Thematic axes

The thematic axes of call for papers presented below are intended to demonstrate the breadth and scope expected of the abstracts to be submitted. They are not previously defined groups of work or thematic sessions, but will guide the organization of the congress structure and format.

1. Semiotics, the growth of reasonableness and intelligences

The contributions and privileged place of semiotics in tackling contemporary macro-dilemmas, such as environmental issues, the climate emergency, the anthropocene, population growth, resource depletion, limits and possibilities.

2. Semiotics, history, theories and epistemologies

Reflections and reviews on the history, evolution, multiple currents, schools, training, relevant authors, etc. Processes of constitution and transformation of semiotic theories and methods and theoretical articulations (cognitive sciences, linguistics, systems theory, etc.).

3. Semiotics and the arts

Discussions on aesthetics, meaning, place and function of the arts, new artistic manifestations, the creative and productive process, genetic criticism in various artistic expressions (music, dance, theater, sculpture, etc.).

4. Semiotics and visualities

Visual and graphic languages, visual and image culture, different visual manifestations (cinema, photography, illustration, graffiti, etc.).

5. Semiotics, literature and translation

It covers literary language in its various verbal and syncretic manifestations, as well as the study of interlingual and intersemiotic translations.

6. Semiotics and psychoanalysis

It covers reflections on identity, identification, alterity, the unconscious and desire in the many psychoanalytic currents.

7. Semiotics, the body and sensibilities

The sensitive apprehension of phenomena, corporeity, gestures, senses, synaesthesia, affections, emotions and beliefs.

8. Semiotics, communication and consumption

Consumption as a sign phenomenon in its relationship with information, meaning and social communication, covering production, consumption and circulation processes in the media, advertising, design, fashion, entertainment, etc.

9. Semiotics, social issues and humanities

Contemporary issues and discussions in the public and humanitarian sphere - regimes of visibility, conflicts, disputes, wars. Engaged, militant and activist semiotics.

10. Semiotics and its inter- and transdisciplinary interfaces

They cover the ways in which semiotics is linked to other disciplines and fields of knowledge, such as biosemiotics, edusemiotics, semiotics of law, semiotics of space, architecture and urbanism, semiotics of religion and the sacred, semiotics of health and medicine, semiotics and mathematics, etc.


Transverse axes of the event

The transverse axes are not additional thematic axes. They are, in turn, constituent elements of the event as a whole. The X FELS Congress, due to its Latin American origins, its peripheral nature in the field and its current positioning, has as its first transverse axis:

A. The Latin American and decolonial perspective

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In view of the inevitability of digital technologies crossing into all areas and dimensions of contemporary life, we also recognize that the works presented can contemplate this dimension, manifested in issues such as platformization, artificial intelligence, algorithm, big data, machine learning, within the transversal axis:

B. Digital technologies

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This being the tenth edition of the congress, reflection on time is necessary, not only as the general theme of the event, but also as an exercise in reviewing our trajectory, in epistemological, theoretical and methodological vigilance of our practices, allowing us to imagine, project and build the semiotics of tomorrow, as provided for in the transversal axis:

C. The past-present-future dilemma